Monday, April 20, 2009

Youtube Source

This video shows the controversies of facebook and how "private" it really is. In the online clip it shows how one can use privacy settings, but how private are those setting considering the fact that facebook "owns" anything one publishes. Even youtube is another option of peeping into other peoples lives. The Cbs reporter provided his opinion on how to cover up your naked profile for others to see, but by having him online again shows the versatility and easyness of searching for data and people.

1 comment:

  1. This video looks like it is authoritative since it comes from a guy who works at CBS news. This video really shows alot of ways one can limit what other people are able to see in your face book. I like the way you still as how private are things that you post even though these setting are on because face book own everything you post. You should look into if facebook can post this information anywhere else for other people to see.
