Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Final Blog

  • How does the revised version of our class differ from the first version?
  • Which one do you prefer? Why?
  • What could be changed next time? Why?
  • What did you like/dislike about the Clark 111 classroom itself?
Having to do everything online was much different than my prior class which made tasks new and challenging for me. Compared to writing all my paper on actual paper versus writing everything online was again challenging because i was not used to it. The incubator classroom was very new and very different.

Both systems have their pros and cons because by having everything online i did not have to worry about using paper and all the hw was readily set on the blog. The traditional way is only good because it is the traditional way of doing things. If i had to choose between the two i would choose the online version because i believe that it is the future of hw.

I think that by having assignments graded after everything was due would make the class better because it allows the student to see the progress he/she is making. Also by having assignments due but not officially graded made students weary and lackadaisical because they knew it could be turned in at a later date.

I have no negative feedback on the "incubator room" i enjoyed the benefits and opportunity to be in there and work in there. I think one way to improve is to have a strict setup, meaning when in the incubator do only work that is needed with computers and less oral discussion and in the classroom do only work that is needed without computers. Overall, the incubator classroom is a very helpful tool that more teachers should use

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Assesing assesments

1. What do i still need to get?

I need to get a book, journal, possibly a picture.

Journal - 460 Inventing Arguments

I found a journal but it turned out to be an article and i need to revise that.

I have been looking sporadically for books and i am in the process of using one.

2. Have i assessed my resources correctly?
For the majority i feel i have done so, but the majority isnt the whole. I need to revise some authoritative sources and diffuse some of the sources that are not. Some of my authoritative sources i think may not be and i will use the ideas and cite them rather than using them as a credible source.

Resources Reflections

1. How did you find your resources?
I went to the library to find certain credible sources. Especially when i needed to find a journal entry and obviously a book. I asked a librarian to help me find a book, I told her my thesis and what i was trying to say and she recommended a book for me. I also used google just to find a general ideas and topics.

2. How has research altered my original idea?
By looking through various materials searching for support of my thesis, I encountered many other opposing arguments as well as new ideas. It "opened my horizon" to new ideas and arguments. I am thinking about changing my thesis sentence to fit my essay more appropriately.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Journal entry response

the online article i found was very informative.

In summarization, it talked about a college student from Delaware who gave up his cell phone and online craze. He found it was less stressful and more relaxing.

This was a vital article to find because it claimed a new perspective on the subject. Not everyone enjoys being involved all the time. According to some people, it is less "hectic" because one does not have a constant bird chirping about the latest trend. Yea one may miss family photos but overall it is not that big of a deal. this is an important argument for me to search more into because i think it can be another strong argument i can use. the site was credbile and gave an opinion but was clearly supported and argued



I searched various magazine articles to see how magazines dives into peoples lives. Many celebrities have their lives constantly under radar. the difference i found was that magazines online sometimes have discussion boards on the latest fad and what is happening. A magazine bought from the store keeps one uptodate but not as uptodate as the internet version. this point supports the claim that technology allows college students to communicate and dive into peoples lives.


newspaper article

San Jose Mercury news

In summary of the article it stated that facebook would be creating changes but allowing the user more control over who sees what.

The article was helpful to me because, privacy is a big issue when pertaining to facebook. It seems now that facebook is trying to listen to the peoples needs and that they are adapting to their surroundings. The news reports' that facebook is trying out this new system and having the public vote on it to see wether they like it or not. Technology does allow for all this communication to flourish but facebook provides too much information readily available therefore the company is trying different measures to constrict and loosen the grip of privacy policies.


Youtube Source

This video shows the controversies of facebook and how "private" it really is. In the online clip it shows how one can use privacy settings, but how private are those setting considering the fact that facebook "owns" anything one publishes. Even youtube is another option of peeping into other peoples lives. The Cbs reporter provided his opinion on how to cover up your naked profile for others to see, but by having him online again shows the versatility and easyness of searching for data and people.


Interview with Martha

N: Do you own a social network?
M: yes, facebook and myspace
N: Do you feel it invades peoples privacy?
M: depends if the person wants everyone to know their business, they could easily post something that would allow everyone to do so.
N: LIke what give me an example?
M: Say someone changes their relationship status, on Facebook it allows everyone to see this and they comment asking you questions about it.
N: Do you think that [facebook] gives your friends too much insight into your own life?
M: Not really, after all it is only your friends who would be seeing things about you, when some people add just about everyone, then the world can see; that could become an invasion of privacy.
N:Do you think that maturity is a necessity when dealing with social networks in general?
M: yes, because i wouldn't want to be friends or follow with someone who posts naked pics of themself or stupid comments.
N: Would you say that technology allows you a greater ability to see other peoples lives, such as your friends?
M: yes, facebook allows me to see what all my friends are up to

My interview with Martha gave me great insight into another persons perspective on social networking. She stands where i stand on the belief that technology does allow college students to be interactive with other students and have access to their current situation.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Research questions

Why do people peep into other peoples conversations or even have the option of doing so?

Does social networks in general have a toll on society because social networks provide a mask to society therefore would decrease face to face skills.

Are social networks the way to go??

From a business point of view social networks are a way to spy on employees, which should not be right?

thesis for social networking

"Facebook connects the planet by a click of the mouse and provides the ability to communicate with family, friends, and strangers around the world, but as technology increases and social networking continues to grow, invasion of privacy holds the same correlation and creates a problem for society."




Facebook assesment


Wikipedia defined facebook as: " a free-access social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. The website's name refers to the paper facebooks depicting members of a campus community that some US colleges and preparatory schools give to incoming students, faculty, and staff as a way to get to know other people on campus."

^^The definition provides a general outline for what facebook is and what it does. However wikipedia's background is more of an issue due to the fact that all the information provided on wikipedia is from account memebers from the public and many definitions are personal definitions, despite being 100% accurate it can also be 100% false. With that being said I am not sure about the paperback facebook orgins.

The wiki does provide a well rounded and overall encyclopedia definition by including history, financial, website, etc.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Social Networking


The web definition of facebook is stated to be of a social networking site. On the facebook site it stated that the purpose is, "Giving people the power to share and make the world more open and connected." In other words Facebook is to providing the ability to anyone who wishes to sign up for free to stay connected with family and friends around the world. Facebook accomplishes this task by one creating a profile and searching for certain individuals. The facebook team tried to make the task of finding and adding people you may already know easier by providing one the option of using already known emails to find others on facebook.

Facebook is similiar to that of being in a large crowd and overhearing everyone. The difference is you can find out and "eves drop" on virtually anyone you desire. Facebook allows the user to search and read conversations between individuals even if it is not your conversation. Also any picture posted by either you or a friend can be seen by your friends and theirs. Facebook does offer small entertainment time wasters such as quizes, games and surveys.

Many who use facebook fall into a few realms. Business: Many business individuals use this site to stay in contact with other business partners who may be on a business trip or stay in contact with clients. Students: Many students use this site to chat with other friends who may go to a different college, or moved to a new place. Stalkers: As odd as it may seem, there are many predators out there who try to conceeal there identity and portray a fake alias. There are many others who join facebook for other reasons as well.

Facebook is a love hate relationship because at times it helps and at times it hinders. It helps in the sense that it keeps people in contact from afar. It hinders in the sense that many people can read what you are doing or having conversations with other people. For instance, I read an article that a wife found out her husband was divorcing her because he was discussing it with a friend. She found out before he divorced her.

Overall facebook could be a pain, but it does offer more benefits than negatives but the sole descision is upon the user. Personally the argument I use is that it has an exceptional way of staying connected and providing the ability to chat with friends from around the world. Comparing to other "social networks" I do beleive this is the best one. It allows one to find many people and have multiple conversations at the same time. It is a multitaskers dream built into one site. One could check pictures of one friend while chatting to two differnent other friends.

On the issue of privacy, it becomes dicey. Having the option of peeping into other peoples conversations seems like a shady thing to do but people do it. The main idea to remember is be smart about what you say, post, and put pictures up of. Facebook allows for not much restrictions. One downfall of facebook is the current arguement on our own rights of pictures, comments, etc because facebook is arguing that despite cancelling subscritption to facebook they have the right to keep anything one says and posts.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Assessing Technology Articles

Why I am Not Going to Buy a Computer
by: Wendell Berry

Authoritative Source:
The author Wendel Berry is a poet, essayist, farmer, and novelist. He not only used to be a professor of english at the university of of Kentucky but has also published over 40 books.

The main points of his article is his 3 reason why he believes that owning computers is not for him, not necessarily a bad idea, just not for him.
-He relates that by owning a computer it uses energy that is powered by coal, which in the end hurts the planet he lives in and that, how can one have that on their conscience when trying to write.
-His second point is saying that by owning a computer it will cost him more work,money, time that what he is used to. It is believed by him that a new inovation should cost less that the previous item, in this case a pencil.
-Lastly, he argues that the computer can do no more than what a pencil can do. They both accomplish the same task and that is writing a story.

The source is valid although, bias because the author seemed never to have used a computer therefore leaving out many positive outocomes of the computer such as efficiency.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

technology and privacy assnmt

The first site I visited was ( http://www.hastac.org/node/1960 ) on this site it discussed the potential problems of privacy, relating to our future essay. I read the article and noticed it was a blog. For an authoritative source i was skeptical, but i dove deeper into the sites credibility, and found that it is valid. I looked into the "about" and "history" and found that it is ,"a consortium of humanists, artists, scientists, and engineers, of leading researchers and nonprofit research institutions..." Further in the history column it talked about their purpose and I inferred it was not a hoax website.

The other website I encountered was ( http://amandafrench.net/2009/02/16/facebook-terms-of-service-compared/ ) This website was again another blog from a person. In it she provided the facts about facebook and its privacy issue problems. What was helpful was the fact that she compared it to other sites, such that of, myspace, yahoo, flickr and others. A negative tone towards facebook due to the privacy problems was prevalent in the blog but nonetheless it seemed like a legit source for information. She had the facts straight, although slanted to one side but still correct. The blogs purpose was obviously to persuade and inform the public.

The last website I checked was ( http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2378/2089 ) The validity of this site was credible. It was online journal site that a person wrote on the cencorship of China. It appeared to be a research paper with the ability to be reviewed and edited. There was not a slant, the essay seemed for the most part informative, stating the practices of the internet and privacy. This site again is credible and able to be used as an authoritative source.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brainstorming technology

Technology is helping mankind evolve into making everyday life's tasks more efficient which includes time efficiency and generating new ideas.

Computers, i feel are the best representation of technology because it can perform most of the mental tasks humans can do and more space to hold.

Our minds, our ideas, our imagination controls our limits of technology, we are only restricted to the spectrum of what we can think up.

When i lose control of my personal information, panic and eagerness becomes present because one does not know whether someone is using their personal information.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


thesis: The California budget cuts has a transcending affect that hinders the state for the future through schools, workers, and low income families.

I) Tuition will increase therefore leaving some students unable to go to a higher level of education.
A) With our economy in a rut, loans are harder to come by and obtain without having to put ourselves in a complete hole
B) The stagnant minimum wage will not increase yet the price to go to college will.
C) The Ca CSU's will have to make cuts on enrollment meaning that, there will be less students and less graduates in Ca.
D) Class sizes will increase making it much harder for students to get the one-on-one learning with a teacher.
E) Services will be cut down for students, free tutoring services may no longer exist by next year.
F) The school will become more strict on students and more pressured to succeed in difficult situations

II) Many workers will be laid off due to this cut back because business will try and maximize their potential by laying off employees.
A) Especially day to day, labor workers, will be hit very hard because there job depends on the economy and people who need an extra hand in, improvements to homes, etc.
B) Domestic workers will feel the affect as well, with their job mainly to provide services to those with impairments, but the proposed bill will eliminate some cheap services and therefore losing jobs and services to Californians.
C) Labor intense jobs, artisan jobs, mastery jobs will be on the decline.

III) Low income families who try and make the best of what they can will be hit enormously from these cutbacks.
A) Low income families, typically have jobs that do not pay well and fall under the labor skill job, but with the cut backs on those jobs it will affect the family.
B) Food stamps, well fare checks, that are designated for those in need may see those services either slipping away or seeing the requirements become more rigid.
C) Many state run services that help low income families will dry up because of the lack of funding.

Conc: It is a spiraling affect that has no end! We be to screwed as key be to lock. Everything affects one another, we need to create a solution to our economy funk in order to dig ourselves out of this spaghetti. We cannot keep cutting the rope to peoples lives.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rhetorical Strategies

The rhetorical strategies from the images...
The two photos mark the difference from the devastation of Katrina and able to create a sense of pity. The description enables one to make judgment about the government by including a time table...

Politics Summary

The image of Hurricane Katrina's devastation was very severe. Debris blanketing the ground in the entire picture clearly describes Katrina's force. The before and after shot of Christian Middle School is almost unbelievable. The school is completely gone! About the only common factors in the photo is the unaltered trees in the foreground. The date in the first shot was September 14, 2005, the cleanup was on December 6, 2005 marking a long transition of a cleanup process or a slow reaction by our very own government. Some may argue it was a race issue for the reason why our government took so long to respond, they argue that the if the hurricane hit anywhere else in the united states then the government would respond immediately, but the deep south, with the majority being African american, believed it was a race card being used by the previous president Bush Jr....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Obama's Speech-reflection

Q: In his speech, how does Obama persuade people to believe in and follow him?

In Obama's Inaugural Address he covered a wide range of topics that he felt were most dire and most needed. His approach I felt was very real and to the point. He would start off by giving a, lack of a better word, vague start and then very neatly narrow down what he is trying to say. You could feel the similarities of Obama and Martin Luther King Jr as he spoke. Obama had a crisp way of changing tones to emphasize points and to capture the audience. He used history and the fore bearers of the country to create a contrast of then to now and to eleviate a new sense of motivation in the air. He stressed the economy, and the need to become more virtuous and, to my inference, less on the ideas of "pocketbook spending." Corruption has existed for too long and must be stopped. Obama expressed the possibilities and the standard of our country's potential. -It is unmatched and unstoppable as long as we live to our potential; he plans on making altercations so that we will prosper and once again be the most dominant country in the world. He personified America to "get up and stand up" and live to the forefathers creed! In the speech, he slammed the point of terrorism and that "we will not be defeated," generating hope, motication, and patriotism. He pushes the fact that he cannot do it alone and it is a hard task but since the world is changing, then our country must change, therefore the citizens of the United States of America most help and change as well.

-Super Cool Kid named NICK

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reflection on Changes

As of today we have changed our whole syllabus around. Good, possibly, bad, i think not! The new environment is much more modern and creates a completely new atmosphere. It is as if the dawn of technology has finally arrived and that it marks the change from paper to computer. I like the change so far i would much rather be in a high tech room rather than traditional book teaching....

Journal 2/12/09 ;)

Sports and the issue of steroids or any performance enhancing drugs.

Recent movies and discuss about the movie such as genre, cinematography, acting, director/producer, etc.

The world dealing with obesity. Problems/solutions/reason for being obese.

Today's cultural fashion. Why is the stye different in parts of the world let alone different parts of CA.